Behind the Scenes - a Note from the Sisters

The idea of Moonbrook originated in our childhood home where we concocted potions in our kitchen, nurtured the gardens, explored the woods, dabbled in the creek, and played with our pets. Each day was a journey that fostered our wisdom and creativity.

Our family home is situated on an overlook with a creek that runs through the woods. The magic of the woodlands, the water, the gardens, and all the nature that surrounded us was our school of adventure, growth, and imagination. It is from this beginning that we dreamt of sharing our love for all things holistic and nurturing, and Moonbrook is the platform for that dream. 

Moonbrook is evolving. For now, we are the home of Simple Yoga and Reiki with Mia. Although not a physical space, this is a holy space, one to help guide and support you in your journey of renewal. Stay tuned for more to come.

In peace,

Mara and Mia


Honoring Yoga and Reiki & their Integration